Wednesday 13 December 2006

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas...

My Yr8 group are doing some work at the moment about Christmas and Geography...

We are looking at whether it is better, from an environmental point-of-view, to have a real or an artificial Christmas tree (or to be a complete Scrooge and not have one at all!) - and they have some very strong opinions on the matter!

Surely artificial trees are better because they don't involve chopping trees down unnecessarily... And they can be used again and again - many people just throw their real trees out with the wrapping paper! But then again, what about the oil used to make those artificial trees? And the Co2 produced by transporting them here from China or Taiwan, where many of them are made?
Have a look at this Guardian article from last year and decide what you think...

Find out more about how to have a GREEN CHRISTMAS by clicking on the picture...

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