Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Year 13!!

An interesting Chinese proverb from Scottish geography teacher friend Val Vannet on her Higher Geog Blog...

And loads of useful stuff for Year 13, both for A2, and for those of you who are resitting AS modules...


Mrs K said...

Too true! A week today for my RS students ... in the meantime, here is another Geography blogsite:
The Geography Department blog . I've just found a few more too. Maybe you could add a bloglog down the side of other Geography blogs?

Good luck all Year 11s with your exams!

Mrs K said...

And of course good luck for the sixth formers, especially if you were in my form, although I don't think any of my form kept on with Geography ...?

Miss Ellis said...

Thanks Mrs K!

Had seen The Geography Department before - it is another of my virtual colleagues who runs it!

I've thought about adding a blogroll - but there are too many and I'd miss someone out and offend them!

Mrs K said...

I thought you might have it! There was another one on the list on my colleague's website that I recognised that you already have too ... Anyway, this esteemed website is now on their list as well, so hopefully that will send a few more visitors your way!

Alan Parkinson said...

For a fairly definitive list of Geography Blogs check out http://www.geographypages.co.uk/blogpages.htm
But you know that already geogtastic!

Miss Ellis said...

I did already know that GeoBlogs - and I am sure most other people do by now!! I had an email from someone who'd found Geogtastic via your Webwatch article, by the way - so thanks again!

Thanks Mrs K - always better to be told about things twice than not at all! (Well, some things, anyway!)