Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Dancing Matt...

I've posted about Dancing Matt before, but this is for the benefit of Year 8, especially 8BL, who enjoyed watching Matt's 2008 video this morning...

If you want to have a look at the other videos, including out-takes, and also check out maps and Google Earth files of where Matt has danced, they're all on his website here. (I have not read all of the comments on the website, or posted on the YouTube videos, and so I cannot guarantee that there aren't any rude words there.... If there are, I am very sorry!)

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Journey Sticks...

My Nature Explorers group spent their first Enrichment session last week making some journey sticks... This was another great idea that I picked up from Twitter, and seems to be well-used in primary schools as a way of introducing maps. I've since found out though, that journey sticks began with aboriginal people who put them together when they went on long journeys, and then used them on their return as prompts when telling the rest of the tribe about their journeys.

Our journey was not so long - 40 minutes or so in the school grounds - but we were amazed at the number of interesting objects we managed to find...

Thanks to Miss Breider (former SHS student and prospective Geography teacher) for putting this brilliant display together!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Climate Mystery...

Have a look at this and see if you can work out what's going on!
