Friday, 26 June 2009

A day in the life in logos...

Another nice discovery via Twitter... This is part of 'A day in the life in logos...' Click on the image for the full version. Why not have a go at making your own? Who uses the most - or the fewest - "logos" in a day?

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Exciting news!!!

SWAN is our new seismometer, and will be appearing in the Science Block later this week.... Find out more on the new Swanwick Seismology blog...

Saturday, 6 June 2009

A mystery for you...

This computer-generated image shows something that could be coming to a city near you in the next few years... What is it? What will it do? And is it a good idea??

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

A new type of cloud?

Some fantastic images here, with some interesting ideas from the Cloud Appreciation Society about how clouds should be classified...